Jul 12, 2024 / 12:00PM GMT
Fredrik Norberg - Cdon AB - Chief Executive Officer
Hello, everybody, and welcome to the second earnings call for Cdon Group. Today, it's myself and our CFO, Carl.
Carl Andersson - Cdon AB - Chief Financial Officer, Chief Commercial Officer
Good to be here.
Fredrik Norberg - Cdon AB - Chief Executive Officer
Yeah, the second and third time we're doing this together now and we will get back to the numbers led by you in a moment.
To summarize, this quarter we continued to have near term challenges, but we are making the right investments for the long-term success. We had no top-line growth, but we could see an improvement month over month within the quarter. We have an EBITDA loss of minus SEK3.5 million adjusted for Malmo closing and foreign exchange cost.
But we are really improving our operational implements to work towards our long-term objective to become the leading marketplace in the Nordics. We're not happy with the result. On average, we grew with minus 16% versus last year. We had a tough
Q2 2024 Cdon AB Earnings Call Transcript
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