Jul 17, 2024 / 09:00AM GMT
Clein Ullenvik - Alligo AB - President, Chief Executive Officer
Okay, everybody. Welcome to Alligo Q2 report 2024. As always, presenters today is Irene Wisenborn Bellander, our CFO, and myself, Clein.
We many times say that it feels that time flies so quickly that we do not do much more than I have in the quarterly presentation. It's starting to feel that we'd like time to fly even faster into a time when market is picking up quicker than we can see today. So sometimes, you like the time to fly a little bit faster.
We made jokes early that we could present any of the old quarterly reports because the situation is very much the same. The market is still slow. We are taking actions on whatever we can take actions. We are running cost reduction programs. We reduced some SEK100 million effect so far. We are running capital reduction programs. We are maintaining our margins. We are running all different types of sales initiatives. So we could have taken more or less any of the last two, three, four quarterly reports and the story would have been the same, more or less.
We have one
Q2 2024 Alligo AB Earnings Call Transcript
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