Half Year 2024 Nordic Waterproofing Holding AB Earnings Call Transcript

Jul 17, 2024 / 08:00AM GMT
Per-Olof Schrewelius - Nordic Waterproofing Holding AB - Chief Financial Officer, Head of Investor Relations

So welcome, everyone, to this Nordic Waterproofing earnings conference call after our second quarter of 2024. May I remind everybody that this webinar is being recorded and also that the participant names are disclosed on the screen here.

With that, may I introduce our President and CEO, Martin Ellis. And Martin, I hand over to you for starting the presentation here.

Martin Ellis - Nordic Waterproofing Holding AB - President, Chief Executive Officer

Yeah. Thank you very much, Palle. Welcome, all. Thank you for participating. So let's jump right into it.

The second quarter was in line with expectations, in the sense that we've seen a continuation of the demand trends of the most recent previous quarters. And we have a mixed bag in terms of demand and performance, strong performance in Denmark and Sweden, but continued very weak demand in Finland, which, as you know, is our biggest country. So that explains the results

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