Jul 18, 2024 / 08:00AM GMT
Richard Berkling - Powercell Sweden AB(publ)-President - Chief Executive Officer
Good morning, and a warm welcome to the quarter two report from PowerCell. This time lives from Gothenburg. And today, we are here Richard and Torbjorn, and it is my pleasure to have Torbjorn this time and also one more time as we announced earlier this month that Torbjorn will move on from PowerCell, which is a good trade-off for Torbjorn which I'm happy for. But I will hand the pressure of having your company one more time.
Moving into the quarter then, and it is an interesting quarter to report on because we claim that this is a very good market activity, but on a softer market. And this notion of softer market needs to be explained because why we say that we are reporting 6% growth quarter two and 17% growth rolling 12 months, but it also is a record quarter when it comes to sales and also rolling 12 months. That's the best sales we having the PowerCell.
And to be able to report that on what we call a softer market needs some explanation and the terms of the
Q2 2024 Powercell Sweden AB (publ) Earnings Call Transcript
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