Jul 19, 2024 / 07:00AM GMT
Ewelina Pettersson - Humana AB - Investor Relations Manager
Good morning. Welcome to the Humana's Q2 2024 presentation. My name is Ewelina Pettersson, I'm the Head of IR at Humana. With me today, I have Johanna Rastad our CEO and Fedrick Larsson our CFO. Over to you, Johanna.
Johanna Rastad - Humana Assistans AB - President, Chief Executive Officer
Thank you Ewelina, and good morning to all listeners. We continue with a high pace of change also in the second quarter and at the same time, improving our existing business performance substantially. The adjusted operating profit increased by 40%, reaching SEK107 million, up from SEK77 million last year. This is primarily due to the improvement seen in elderly care, where the reinforced change program we initiated about a year ago has continued to give positive effects, but also due to the activities in personal systems targeting increased efficiency. In elderly care, the improvements in occupancy as well as reduced staff turnover and sick leave in the segment is both satisfying and also promising for the future.
Q2 2024 Humana AB Earnings Call Transcript
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