Jul 23, 2024 / 08:00AM GMT
Peter Kruk - NCAB Group AB(publ)-President - Chief Executive Officer, Director
Good morning. Thank you. So speaking today will be myself and Anders Forsén, accompanied by Gunilla Ãhman.
If we start by summing up our second quarter, we can see that the market recovery has been slower than we have anticipated. I think notably, we have seen a weak demand in Europe and especially Germany, as I think we've all seen from macro numbers on Ifo Index, et cetera, that the German manufacturing industry has done worse than expected, and that has also impacted our business.
Nordics has performed with mixed performance with some parts have been benefiting from defense growth, but we've also seen lower activity in areas of construction or energy sectors.
In North America and East, however, we start -- we continue to show progress with order intake growing and we have also landed some nice larger projects, notably in North America, which further helps the growth trend in orders there.
Overall, despite demand being lower than anticipated,
Q2 2024 NCAB Group AB (publ) Earnings Call Transcript
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