Jul 23, 2024 / 08:00AM GMT
Christian Binder - Redeye AB - Analyst
Hi, and welcome, everyone. Mentice recently released their Q2 2024 report. And today, I have the pleasure of introducing the company's CEO, Göran Malmberg; and CFO, Ulrika Drotz Voksepp, who will present the report before we go onto Q&A session.
(Event Instructions) Without further ado, Göran and Ulrika, please take it away.
Goran Malmberg - Mentice AB - Group Chief Executive Officer, President
Thank you, Christian. So I'll jump right in to the presentation. So I'm going to start with some remarks and then Ulrika you can go into the details and then we will after my concluding remarks, we will have some questions from Christian.
So first, I mean, it's a pleasure to present the second quarter, really strong top line, net sales 36% above last year. And as you know that have following us said, we had a slower start in the year. So it's a good recovery for the first half year. And consequently, with the high net sales in the quarter, we also generated the highest EBITDA amount in a single quarter with
Q2 2024 Mentice AB Earnings Call Transcript
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