Jul 25, 2024 / 04:00PM GMT
Ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the 2024 first half financial results. Now going to hand over the floor to Mr. Axel Dumas, Executive Chairman of (inaudible) , Mr. Eric du Halgouët, Executive VP for Finance. Gentlemen, over to you.
Axel Dumas - Hermes International SCA - Executive Chairman
Good evening, everyone, and thank you very much for joining us for the publication of our 2024 first half results, which take place just before the opening ceremony of the Olympics. I'm very happy today to share the robust H1 results with you against the more complex global economic and political backdrop in H1, we have continued our strategic investment in production capacity in our network and also secured our supply chain.
We've beefed up our teams. We currently have 23,200 people working for MS, 62% of which in France MSA carried on with its D&I initiatives. And currently we have 7.12% of disabled employees above the legal requirements. These H1 results capture the loyalty of our customers all around the world as well as the strength of our international
Half Year 2024 Hermes International SCA Earnings Call Transcript
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