Jul 24, 2024 / 08:00AM GMT
Marleen Vanhecke - Elia Group SA - Head of Group Communication & Reputation
Good morning. It's in mid-July. So it's time to have a look at the first six months of the year. This live streamed event will cover Elia Group's half year results. We are honored to have some new analysts joining us for today's events. So welcome to you and I would also like to introduce you to the Group's CEO, Catherine Vandenborre; and the Group's CFO, Marco Nix welcome to the both of you.
What can you expect from us over the next hour or so? We will look back at the Group's most important events and achievements from the past six months. Catherine Vandenborre will delve deeper into earlier Group's growth. The more projects we realize the more people and materials we need. And Catherine will explain how Elia Group is approaching talent management and attention experienced across international supply chains.
Marco Nix will then take us through the financials and the outlook for the rest of the year. And before we can continue, please read through the disclaimer, which is on the screen now. You must take
Q2 2024 Elia Group SA Earnings Call Transcript
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