Jul 30, 2024 / 08:00AM GMT
Neil Ash - Forterra PLC - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
Good morning, everybody, and welcome to our interim results presentation. First and foremost introductions, my name is Neil Ash. I'm the CEO of Forterra and I'm joined today by Ben Guyatt, our CFO.
Benjamin Guyatt - Forterra PLC - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director
Morning all.
Neil Ash - Forterra PLC - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
In terms of agenda for today's session, I'm going to walk you through the results headlines, and then I'll turn it over to Ben, who will explain the detailed finances for H1. And then it's back to me for a review of the market, strategic and sustainability updates and then the outlook.
So our headline results for H1 saw group revenue at GBP162 million, which represents a market driven drop of 11.5% versus the prior year. H1 industry brick volumes have dropped by around 9% and our own brick volumes are in line with this. Despite the softer than expected market. Our focus on excellence
Half Year 2024 Forterra PLC Earnings Call Transcript
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