Aug 01, 2024 / 08:00AM GMT
Christian Kullmann - Evonik Industries AG - CEO & Chairman of the Executive Board
Welcome to our quarterly earnings call, also, from my side. To sum it up, it was another quarter in which we have pre-released our numbers. It was another quarter, where we have again delivered on the quite elevated expectations, the another quarter of sector-leading earnings growth and -- ladies and gentlemen, another quarter of very strong free cash flow generation.
So ladies and gentlemen, let's go right into the topics of today. Second quarter has once again more proven that our strategy our agenda is paying off and our numbers are more and more reflecting exactly that. What is driving our growth? It is a combination. It is a combination of -- first of all, sales having measures and at the same time are positioning the right pockets of growth. The right pockets of growth, that is; for example, our Specialty Additives business, which had had an unusually tough last year and is now on the path of recovery back to our strengths of our resilient and steadily growing care solutions business.
We continue
Q2 2024 Evonik Industries AG Earnings Call Transcript
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