Aug 07, 2024 / 07:30AM GMT
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj half year result webcast. The webcast is hosted by L&T's Eero Hautaniemi and our new CFO, Joni Sorsanen. There's an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentations by using the phone or via the chat functionality. But before we start, would you Joni like to introduce yourself briefly?
Joni Sorsanen - Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj - Chief Financial Officer
Yes, absolutely. So hello, everyone. My name is Joni Sorsanen, and I started as CFO of L&T group in the beginning of July. And I joined the company from comms to plc where I also acted as CFO. I have roughly 15 years of experience from Finnish listed companies such as Cramo, Caverion and cause the all of which are so-called these centralized service businesses. And my target here at LIFT is to help the company in planning and implementing the new operating model whereby we like to we would like to increase the cooperation between our divisions and the group functions. And I will also focus on developing the overall financial steering of
Q2 2024 Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj Earnings Call Transcript
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