Full Year 2024 CSL Ltd Earnings Call Transcript

Aug 13, 2024 / 01:00AM GMT
Joy Linton - CSL Ltd - Chief Financial Officer

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to CSL's financial year 2024 results presentation. I'm Joy Linton, CSL's Chief Financial Officer.

And before we begin the formalities today, I would like to say a few words about Mark Dehring, who has opened today's calls over the past 21 years. As many of you know, Mark Dehring has decided to retire as the head of CSL's Investor Relations Function. Over his extensive time with us. He's been a trusted adviser to our leadership group and respected spokesperson with the investment community. In the time I've been at CSL, I've very much valued Mark's wisdom, guidance and insights. So thank you, Mark.

Also with us today having moved into Mark's role is Chris Cooper, who joined CSL earlier this year. Many of you will know Chris from his successful career as a healthcare analyst, and we are delighted to have him on our side of the fence. So Chris, welcome to your first CSL results announcement, and over to you.

Chris Cooper - CSL Ltd - Head, Investor Relations


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