Aug 15, 2024 / 11:00AM GMT
Ana Touminen - Marimekko Oy - Director of Communcations & Investor Relations
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Ana Touminen and with me, I have our President and CEO, Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko and we are happy that you're joining us to hear more about Marimekko's half year financial report and Q2 results today.
First, Tiina, I will take a while to go through the results. And after that, we'll have a Q&A session where our CFO, Elina Nckar will join us well. (Event instructions) But without further ado, Tiina, please go ahead.
Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko - Marimekko Oyj - Chairman of the Management Board, President, Chief Executive Officer
Thank you, Ana. And good afternoon, afternoon also on my behalf. It's my pleasure to walk you through today, our half year financial report, let's get started. How did we do in the second-quarter of 2024? Our business continued to develop well and our net sales continued to grow in the second-quarter. Our operating profit was slightly behind the comparison period, but our cumulative operating
Half Year 2024 Marimekko Oyj Earnings Call Transcript
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