Aug 14, 2024 / 02:00PM GMT
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the conference call of Tupy S.A. for the earnings for Q2 2024. This conference call is being recorded, and the replay can be accessed at the site of the company at The presentation is available for download on the platform in the Investor Relations site.
(Operator Instructions) The presentation is being recorded and translated simultaneously. (Operator Instructions)
Before proceeding, I would like to reinforce that the declarations are based on assumptions and beliefs of the company's management and information currently available to the company. These declarations may involve risks and uncertainties. They relate to the future, and therefore, depend on circumstances that may or may not occur.
Investors, analysts and journalists should bear in mind that events related to the macroeconomic environment, the segment and other factors, may make results materially different from those expressed in the declarations made here.
We have with us in this conference call, Mr. Fernando Cestari de Rizzo, CEO, Mr. Rodrigo
Q2 2024 Tupy SA Earnings Call Transcript
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