Aug 21, 2024 / 11:30PM GMT
Keith Thornton - Eagers Automotive Ltd - Chief Executive Officer
Thank you for joining us today to discuss the Eagers Automotive results for the half year ending June 30, 2024. For Sophie Moore, our CFO, joins me this morning and together we have the privilege of presenting the results for the first half. Our results pack, including the slides for the presentation, has been lodged with the ASX and should be visible via the webcast.
As outlined on slide 2, the presentation today will provide our financial results, followed by operational and strategic updates. We'll also provide the company's outlook for the remainder of 2024 and beyond before opening for questions. So let's begin with the financial results for the first half of 2024.
At the start of 2023 and again, for 2024, we set out our simple ambition for the company, which was twofold: to drive material top line revenue growth while also continuing to optimize the underlying business to build a platform for strong, sustainable returns over the long term. Our results today demonstrate continued progress on these fronts.
Half Year 2024 Eagers Automotive Ltd Earnings Call Transcript
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