Aug 22, 2024 / 06:30AM GMT
Aug 22, 2024 / 06:30AM GMT
Corporate Participants
* Reuben Segal
Abl Group ASA - Chief Executive Officer
* Stuart Jackson
Abl Group ASA - Chief Financial Officer
Reuben Segal - Abl Group ASA - Chief Executive Officer
Good morning. My name is Reuben Segal, I'm the Group CEO, ABL Group, and I'm joined here this morning by Stuart Jackson, the Group CFO. Today, we're going to take you through our Q2 results and a little bit of how we see the market going forward. And a little bit of explanation behind the results.
As I said, I will start with a quick overview. And today, it's going to be a slightly longer overview, just to give you some of the actions and updates around the activity of Q2 and in particular, because of the poor results achieved during the quarter. Stuart is then going to go through more detail of the financials, and then I will wrap up with how we see things going forward and our market outlook. As always, we draw your attention to the
Q2 2024 Abl Group ASA Earnings Presentation Transcript
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