Q2 2024 Sensys Gatso Group AB Earnings Call Transcript

Aug 23, 2024 / 08:00AM GMT
Ivo Monnink - Sensys Gatso Group AB - Chief Executive Officer

Good morning, everybody, and welcome to Sensys Gatso's market presentation of the second quarter and first half of 2024. My name is Ivo Monnink, I am the CEO of Sensys Gatso, and I will be presenting to you, together with Simon Mulder, our CFO.

In this market presentation, I will provide you with an update on our business for the second quarter and the first half year of 2024. We then follow up with a financial update by Simon. And finally, I will finish this presentation with a summary and outlook.

Let's now look at an update of our business. In this business update, I will take you through our order intake, which is up by 37% this quarter and 86% year to date; the large backlog in our home markets, Sweden and Netherlands, SEK1.14 billion; strong revenue growth of 26%; an explanation on the legislative changes in Iowa; an update on our enhanced relationship with our Saudi customer; our investments in working capital for the large contracts we signed in our home markets, Sweden and the Netherlands; and finally, our improving

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