Aug 26, 2024 / 09:00AM GMT
Klas Palin - Penser Access(Commissioned)-Analyst
Hello, and welcome to Carnegie and today's presentation with Senzime and its Q2 report. My name is Klas Palin, and I'm an equity analyst. And with me in the studio, I have Philip Siberg, who is CEO of Senzime. Very welcome, Philip.
Philip Siberg - Senzime AB - Chief Executive Officer
Thank you. Nice to be here.
Klas Palin - Penser Access(Commissioned)-Analyst
And it would be really interesting to hear your presentation of the Q2 report. Please go ahead, Philip.
Philip Siberg - Senzime AB - Chief Executive Officer
All right. Thank you, and thank you for listening-in into this. It's both a Q2 report, but also a little bit of an update today on some of our long- and short-term guidance and what we believe in the market. So for those of you who don't know Senzime, a quick recap. We are a Sweden headquartered medical device company.
We've developed a
Q2 2024 Senzime AB (publ) Earnings Call Transcript
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