Aug 28, 2024 / 02:00AM GMT
Presentation (Chinese, English)
Aug 28, 2024 / 02:00AM GMT
Corporate Participants
* Fei Luo
Health and Happiness (H&H) International Holdings Ltd - Executive Chairman of the Board
* Akash Bedi
Health and Happiness (H&H) International Holdings Ltd - Group Chief Executive Officer - North America, Europe, Middle East & India
* Yidong Wang
Health and Happiness (H&H) International Holdings Ltd - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director
* Joy Tsai
Health and Happiness (H&H) International Holdings Ltd - Director, Investor Relations
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 2024 interim results presentation for Health and Happiness International Holdings Limited. Joining us today is Mr. Lou Fei, Chairman; Mr. Akash Bedi, group CEO, and CEO of North America, Europe, Middle East and India; Mr. Jason Wang, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer; Ms. Joy Tsai, Investor Relations Director.; Ms. (inaudible)
Half Year 2024 Health and Happiness (H&H) International Holdings Ltd Earnings Presentation (Chinese, English) Transcript
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