Aug 29, 2024 / 07:00AM GMT
Tavaziva Madzinga - Santam Ltd - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
Good morning, everyone, and welcome to our interim financial results presentation for the period ended June 30, 2024. I'm joined this morning by our Group CFO, Wikis Olivier; and our Head of Strategy and Investor Relations, Thabiso Rulashe.
A good starting point for us is the operating environment. The operating environment for the first half of 2024 remains difficult and challenging. However, we are encouraged by the positive investor sentiment that we have seen after the election results earlier on in the year. We also encouraged by the reduction in load shedding and the signs of inflation starting to show signs of reducing.
However, although we've seen CPI start to show signs of improving, claims inflation does remain stubbornly above CPI inflation, and there is pressure in the motor value chain. Additionally, if we look at the consumer, the consumer remains additionally also under significant pressure. Globally, it has been a year of elections, and we do see that geopolitical risks do remain elevated
Half Year 2024 Santam Ltd Earnings Call Transcript
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