Aug 29, 2024 / 08:00AM GMT
Duncan Ball - BBGI Global Infrastructure SA - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board
Welcome, everyone. My name is Duncan Ball, and I'm the CEO of BBGI Global Infrastructure. I'm here with Michael Denny, our CFO. I will take you through the presentation. I'll try to do it fairly quickly, because I think many on the call are familiar with the background of the company, and we'll open it up for questioning at the end.
So I will begin on slide 7, which is just a quick reminder of our investment approach, which is centered on four key attributes: low risk, internally managed, globally diversified, and a strong approach to ESG. So for the low risk pillar, just a reminder that we are focused on availability style, core infrastructure investments, which have contracted revenues coming from public sector counterparties. The result of this approach is that our cash flows are very stable, predictable, and we have high quality inflation linkage.
The second pillar is internally managed. So we are the only infrastructure investment company -- equity investment company with an in
Half Year 2024 BBGI Global Infrastructure SA Earnings Call Transcript
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