Aug 30, 2024 / 06:30AM GMT
Unidentified Company Representative -
It is also showing is that over the last four years, the turnover growth from our portfolio has been above inflation, which is quite good. Again, the grocers and the supermarkets have taken the lead in the growth in turnover in our portfolio, grocers and supermarkets have grown by 10%.
And health, healthcare and health and beauty has also performed very well. That category grew by 8.5%. Our fast food restaurants also performed well, 11%, liquor stores, 11%, and motor-related traders, I'm talking about the space and those type of tenants coming off a low base. They grew very well at 15% this year, apparel a bit behind on 5.5%.
If you look at if we dig deeper into trading by category. Our township centers have performed well. I think a lot of that has been the work that we did at EBITDA in Palm Springs, a our own at that site in the country, you can see that the vacancy rates are quite low, that 0.5%. In fact, post post year end, that's improved slightly. The CB stores are also trading?
Well, again, it's work we did at Park Central Central Park and
Full Year 2024 Fortress Real Estate Investments Ltd Earnings Call Transcript
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