Sep 04, 2024 / 07:00AM GMT
Kristofer Tonstroem - Clas Ohlson AB - President, Chief Executive Officer
Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the Clas Ohlson Q1 report. My name is Kristofer Tonström, I'm CEO, and here together with Pernilla Walfridsson, CFO. So we'll cover a short presentation before we move into Q&A. So I'll start with the business update. Pernilla will take us through the financial developments, and then I'll close out with events after the reporting period and summary.
So some highlights from the first quarter. We see that organic growth continues with 10% growth across the first quarter. And our operating profit came in at SEK203 million and our margin at 7.7%. Also, cash flow stable with operating cash flow of SEK413 million, and the company is still in a very solid financial position with a net debt to EBITDA of minus 0.4, and our EPS in the quarter amounts to SEK2.3 versus minus SEK0.42 last year. We also see a good start to the second quarter with 7% organic growth in August, and we'll come back a bit more to that.
So moving into the business update and starting from the strategic
Q1 2025 Clas Ohlson AB Earnings Call Transcript
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