Oct 17, 2024 / 06:30AM GMT
Sonja Horn - Entra ASA - Chief Executive Officer
Good morning all, and welcome to Entra's third quarter presentation. Moving on directly to the highlights, NOK770 million of rental income in the quarter, that is NOK63 million below same quarter last year affected by divestments in the past year. Our rental income growth currently then at 4.4% when adjusted for divestments and oneoffs.
Net income from property management of NOK318 million in the quarter and net value changes was minus NOK164 million in the quarter due to negative value changes on financial instruments. We were pleased to see that the property valuations came out positive in the quarter.
Leaving us then with a profit before tax of NOK156 million this quarter. We have seen that our net asset value has increased in the quarter for the first time now since Q1 '22, currently at the NOK160 per share and we have continued to see improvements in our depth metrics in the quarter. Effective leverage is now below 50% and ICR in the quarter above 2.0.
We have had a negative net letting of NOK76 million in the quarter. And
Q3 2024 Entra ASA Earnings Call Transcript
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