AMETEK Inc. (1.7% of net assets as of March 31, 2015) (AME – $52.54 – NYSE) is a leading global manufacturer of analytical instruments for the process, aerospace, and industrial markets, and a leading producer of electric motors and blowers for the floor care and outdoor power equipment markets. In the near term, the company continues to experience growth in its longer cycle businesses in the aerospace, power generation, and process industries. Longer term, the company continues to make acquisitions to augment growth. In 2015, AMETEK expects one half to two thirds of its revenue growth to come from acquisitions. The company is focused on acquiring differentiated businesses with revenues of $150-$300 million. The company expects to spend ~$1 billion on acquisitions this year. AMETEK also decided to moderate its investment into the Floorcare and Specialty Motors end market within the Electromechanical Group; we believe the segment may be a prime spin-off candidate.
From Mario Gabelli (Trades, Portfolio)’s Asset Fund Q1 2015 Commentary.