Ever since we released our All-In-One Screener, we keep getting requests from our subscribers for filters that are customizable. We are very pleased to announce that now you can create customized filters with GuruFocus All-In-One Screener.
Figure 1 illustrates the Customized tab of the Screener and the resulting screen when you click on the tab. Click on the "+ Add Filter" button to open the Create Filter wizard as Figure 2 illustrates.
Figure 1
Figure 2
The "Create Filter" wizard contains an Expression, Operator and Value section. The Expression supports +, -, *, /, (, Financial), >, >=, <, <=, and, or operators as well as numbers. You can create filters such as:
- ROE > P/E
- ROE >= P/E
- ROE > 2*(P/E + P/B)
After creating those, please name them. You will be able to re-use them later. You can activate or de-activate them by clicking on the checkbox. Your formula will be validated after you finish.
Figure 3 gives the example filter "Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold > 3000."
Figure 3
If you wish to convert an expression into a filter, click on the "Divide Expression into Filter" button. The button will split your expression into three parts:
Expression: Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold
Operator: >
Value: 3000.
Figure 4 illustrates the location of the "Divide Expression into Filter" button and the resulting filter.
Figure 4
Please give it a try. We love to hear from you and we want to make sure that it can meet your needs.
To further improve the All-In-One Screener, we will add backtesting functions to it so you can back test your strategies.
As always, we keep adding new features to the already powerful tool box for our Premium Members. If you are not a Premium Member, we invite you for a 7-day Free Trial.