U.S. market indexes were lower on Friday. For the day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 18261.45 for a loss of -131.01 points, or -0.71%. The S&P 500 was also down, closing at 2164.69 for a loss of -12.49 points, or -0.57%. The Nasdaq Composite closed lower at 5305.75 for a loss of -33.78 points, or -0.63%. The VIX Volatility Index was higher at 12.29 for a gain of 0.27 points, or 2.25%.
For the week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 0.78%. The S&P 500 gained 1.19%. The Nasdaq Composite Index gained 1.16%.
In the Dow Jones Industrial Average on Friday, the following stocks led losses:
Goldman Sachs (GS, Financial) -1.72%
Apple (AAPL, Financial) -1.67%
Procter & Gamble (PG, Financial) -1.38%
3M Co. (MMM, Financial) -1.37%
Caterpillar (CAT, Financial) -1.27%
The Travelers Companies Inc. (TRV, Financial) -1.22%
American Express (AXP, Financial) -1.21%
Stocks were lower Friday following lower oil prices. The Baker Hughes Rig Count reported an increase of 11 oil rigs in North America during the week. Oil prices were mostly effected by reports that Saudi Arabia would not cooperate with OPEC in slowing production next week when the organization meets at the International Energy Forum in Algeria. Oil prices fell approximately 3% on Friday. WTI crude oil was down 3.43% to $44.73. Brent crude oil was down 3.23% to $46.11.
A CNBC report Friday provided more insight on oil prices and the energy market.
Disclosure: I do not own any stocks included in this article.
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