U.S. market indexes were mostly higher on Friday. For the day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 21394.76 for a loss of -2.53 points or -0.01%. The S&P 500 closed at 2438.30 for a gain of 3.80 points or 0.16%. The Nasdaq Composite closed at 6265.25 for a gain of 28.56 points or 0.46%. The VIX Volatility Index was lower for the day at 10.02 for a loss of -0.46 points or -4.39%.
For the week, the Dow Jones gained 0.05%, the S&P 500 gained 0.20% and the Nasdaq Composite gained 1.83%.
Friday’s market movers
Technology stocks continued to gain and energy stocks were also higher on Friday. Economic reports affecting market trading included the following:
- The Purchasing Managers Index Composite decreased to 53.0 from 53.9 and was below consensus of 53.8.
- New home sales were reported at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 610,000, an increase from 593,000 SAAR and above consensus of 590,000 SAAR.
- The Baker Hughes rig count increased to 1,111. Oil prices increased for the day. WTI crude increased by 0.66% to $43.02. Brent crude increased 0.75% to $45.56.
In the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the following stocks led losses and gains:
Home Depot (HD, Financial) -2.68%
Goldman Sachs (GS, Financial) -1.17%
Wal-Mart (WMT, Financial) -0.90%
Microsoft (MSFT, Financial) 1.35%
In the broad market, energy and technology stocks led gains. The S&P 500 energy sector gained 0.74% and the S&P 500 technology sector gained 0.63%.
Small-cap stocks
In small-caps, the Russell 2000 Index closed at 1414.78 for a gain of 10.24 points or 0.73%. The S&P 600 Small-Cap Index closed at 853.17 for a gain of 7.75 points or 0.92%. The Dow Jones Small-Cap Growth TSM Index closed at 8584.50 for a gain of 73.98 points or 0.87%. The Dow Jones Small-Cap Value TSM Index closed at 9489.60 for a gain of 52.34 points or 0.55%.
Other notable indexes
Other notable index closes included the S&P 400 Mid-Cap Index at 1743.97 for a gain of 7.55 points or 0.43%; the S&P 100 Index at 1075.43 for a gain of 1.55 points or 0.14%; the Russell 3000 Index at 1444.55 for a gain of 3.46 points or 0.24%; the Russell 1000 Index at 1351.39 for a gain of 2.71 points or 0.20%; and the Dow Jones U.S. Select Dividend Index at 663.27 for a gain of 1.18 points or 0.18%.