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Oracle (MEX:ORCL) 3-Year Revenue Growth Rate : 11.90% (As of Aug. 2024)

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What is Oracle 3-Year Revenue Growth Rate?

Oracle's Revenue per Share for the three months ended in Aug. 2024 was MXN92.07.

During the past 12 months, Oracle's average Revenue per Share Growth Rate was 3.90% per year. During the past 3 years, the average Revenue per Share Growth Rate was 11.90% per year. During the past 5 years, the average Revenue per Share Growth Rate was 12.90% per year. During the past 10 years, the average Revenue per Share Growth Rate was 9.40% per year. Please click Growth Rate Calculation Example (GuruFocus) to see how GuruFocus calculates Wal-Mart Stores Inc (WMT)'s revenue growth rate. You can apply the same method to get the average Revenue per Share growth rate.

During the past 13 years, the highest 3-Year average Revenue per Share Growth Rate of Oracle was 122.40% per year. The lowest was 0.70% per year. And the median was 15.70% per year.

Competitive Comparison of Oracle's 3-Year Revenue Growth Rate

For the Software - Infrastructure subindustry, Oracle's 3-Year Revenue Growth Rate, along with its competitors' market caps and 3-Year Revenue Growth Rate data, can be viewed below:

* Competitive companies are chosen from companies within the same industry, with headquarter located in same country, with closest market capitalization; x-axis shows the market cap, and y-axis shows the term value; the bigger the dot, the larger the market cap. Note that "N/A" values will not show up in the chart.

Oracle's 3-Year Revenue Growth Rate Distribution in the Software Industry

For the Software industry and Technology sector, Oracle's 3-Year Revenue Growth Rate distribution charts can be found below:

* The bar in red indicates where Oracle's 3-Year Revenue Growth Rate falls into.

Oracle 3-Year Revenue Growth Rate Calculation

This is the 3-year average growth rate of Revenue per Share. The growth rate is calculated using exponential compounding based on the latest four year annual data.

Please click Growth Rate Calculation Example (GuruFocus) to see how GuruFocus calculates Wal-Mart Stores Inc (WMT)'s revenue growth rate. You can apply the same method to get the average Revenue per Share growth rate.

Oracle  (MEX:ORCL) 3-Year Revenue Growth Rate Explanation

Revenue per Share is the amount of Revenue per outstanding share of the company's stock.

Revenue is income that a company receives from its normal business activities, usually from the sale of goods and services to customers. Revenue is often referred to as the "top line" due to its position on the income statement at the very top. Revenue per share growth rate is used in calculating Predictability Rank, companies with more consistent revenue and earnings growth are ranked high with predictability.

Oracle 3-Year Revenue Growth Rate Related Terms

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Oracle Business Description

2300 Oracle Way, Austin, TX, USA, 78741
Oracle provides database technology and enterprise resource planning, or ERP, software to enterprises around the world. Founded in 1977, Oracle pioneered the first commercial SQL-based relational database management system. Today, Oracle has 430,000 customers in 175 countries, supported by its base of 136,000 employees.